Your dog is a big part of your life, and you love being able to share things with him. However, you know that there are many different things for you to keep away from your pet as well, particularly when it comes to food items. What should you make sure your dog doesn’t get a taste of?
It would be nice if our pets intuitively knew what food items were good for them and which weren’t, but this, unfortunately, isn’t the case. In fact, you will need to research and give careful consideration to anything you offer your pet to eat. Common items that you are likely to have in the kitchen that could harm your pet include items with caffeine, alcohol, sugar and salt. Avoid giving your pet chocolate, grapes, avocados, garlic and onions as well. Your local veterinary
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Most pet parents understand the importance of socializing their dog with other animals, but what about cats? How can you introduce your feline friend to cats, dogs, and other animals?
Because you can’t really put your cat on a leash and head out to the park, socializing your feline friend can be a bit of a challenge. The easiest way to get your cat used to other critters is to invite friends and family to bring their pets to your house.
You may also be able to learn more about socializing your furry friend by visiting the pet store or your vet’s clinic. Bringing your pet to a cat show is also an option.
You should also ask if your cat really needs to be socialized. If he’s an only cat and he lives indoors, being exposed to other animals may not be necessary. Your veterinarian Rochester, NY can provide you w
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Your rabbit is important to you, and you know how vital it is that you care for her properly. Feeding her is one area that you want to make sure is ideal, as you know how her diet can influence her overall health. What should you be giving her to munch on?
Hay is a big part of your rabbit’s diet, and it really makes a big difference in her overall intake. If your pet is like many others, she should be offered an unlimited amount of fresh timothy hay to keep her munching throughout the day. She can also be given commercial pellets designed for rabbits, in addition to some fresh produce to keep her feeling her best and to offer some variety in her nutrient intake. Consult her veterinarian to determine the best diet for your pet. Your local veterinarian Tomball TX can
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Your rabbit is important to you, and you know how vital it is that you care for her properly. Feeding her is one area that you want to make sure is ideal, as you know how her diet can influence her overall health. What should you be giving her to munch on?
Hay is a big part of your rabbit’s diet, and it really makes a big difference in her overall intake. If your pet is like many others, she should be offered an unlimited amount of fresh timothy hay to keep her munching throughout the day. She can also be given commercial pellets designed for rabbits, in addition to some fresh produce to keep her feeling her best and to offer some variety in her nutrient intake. Consult her veterinarian to determine the best
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There are a lot of things that your pet enjoys doing, but few will get him as excited as having a treat will. This makes you want to offer him as many as you can, while still being careful not to go overboard. After all, you know that his treat consumption can impact his overall diet. You want him to eat healthy food that will help to nourish his body and keep him both satiated and healthy.
Treats can be a part of this if you are keeping them in line with your pet’s nutritional needs. This means taking the time to seek out healthy treats for your pet to enjoy. These may enhance his current food intake, and supplement it in certain
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There are a lot of things that your pet enjoys doing, but few will get him as excited as having a treat will. This makes you want to offer him as many as you can, while still being careful not to go overboard. After all, you know that his treat consumption can impact his overall diet. You want him to eat healthy food that will help to nourish his body and keep him both satiated and healthy.
Treats can be a part of this if you are keeping them in line with your pet’s nutritional needs. This means taking the time to seek out healthy
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There are a lot of things that your pet enjoys doing, but few will get him as excited as having a treat will. This makes you want to offer him as many as you can, while still being careful not to go overboard. After all, you know that his treat consumption can impact his overall diet. You want him to eat healthy food that will help to nourish his body and keep him both satiated and healthy.
Treats can be a part of this if you are keeping them in line with your pet’s nutritional needs. This means taking the time to seek out healthy
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Your guinea pig needs a variety of foods to keep him healthy and happy. Start with a high-quality guinea pig pellet. Purchase the pellets from a pet supply store that has high turnover so they will be fresh. Give your pig fresh leafy greens such as romaine lettuce or spinach and other crunchy vegetables such as carrots or squash. Small pieces of fruit such as strawberries or apple make a nice treat. Your guinea pig’s body cannot manufacture vitamin C so make sure some of the fruits and vegetables you give him are high in vitamin C. Vitamin drops don’t work as well since they dissipate quickly. Your pig also needs timothy hay. Hay adds nutrition while also adding roughage to help your pig’s digestive system work well. And all that nibbling keeps the teeth trim. Be sure your pig has access to fresh, clean water at all times. Contact your veterinary clinic Greensboro, NC to learn more.
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Cats are trouble makers. There’s no doubt about it, no matter how adorable they are. There are many ways your cat can cause problems, but there’s no more annoying place for your cat to act out than in the kitchen.
Cats love being up high. They just can’t help it! Unfortunately, that means they’ll end up climbing on things they shouldn’t. Don’t be surprised if you see your cat perched on top of the refrigerator or walking on the countertop.
Be careful about what you leave out on the counter. Not only can your cat end up eating something he shouldn’t, he could end up knocking a glass of milk to the floor.
Your cat can cause trouble down low too. Many cats like to open and climb inside cabinets! To keep your cat safe in the kitchen, you should speak with your
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Your cat is pretty sturdy but you can injure or frighten her if you pick her up improperly. At the very least, you can annoy her. The first step in picking up your cat is determining whether she wants to be picked up. Carefully observe her behavior and body language. If your cat is crouched down with pinned back ears while hissing and wagging her tail aggressively, leave her alone unless it is an emergency and you need to move her from harm’s way. A purring cat rubbing against your legs will welcome you. Use one arm under her chest and the other arm and forearm to lift her belly and support her completely. Never pick up your cat by the scruff or the neck or her tail or even by the front legs as you would a human baby. Handle her carefully and place her somewhere safe. Learn more from your Greensboro, NC veterinary clinic. Visit this link for details:
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Having your cat wear a collar is always a good idea. If he escapes outside and is found, he can easily be returned to you. However, that doesn’t mean a collar is the right solution in every circumstance.
Does your cat have a very thick coat? Or maybe he has extremely long hair? These kinds of cats may benefit from not wearing a collar. With so much hair to get in the way, a collar can be very uncomfortable. It can end up being a bit useless too. In order to accommodate all that hair, it will have to be big, and the bigger the collar, the more likely it is to fall off.
If you choose not to have a collar on your cat, make sure he’s at least microchipped. To learn more about whether your cat should wear a collar or not, call your local veterinarian Rochester NY.
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Some dog breeds are more prone to back issues than others such as Dachshunds, Bassett Hounds and Shih Tzus. However, all dogs can suffer back injuries if you don’t take care to prevent them. Do not allow your dog to jump down from sofas or beds or even the back of a truck or car. This allows stress to carry through the front legs and damage the back. When you pick up your dog use your hands and forearms to support him while keeping him horizontal. Keep your dog at a normal weight since obesity adds excessive strain on the back. Exercise helps keep the weight under control while also making your dog’s back and surrounding muscles strong and flexible to protect the spine. Seek medical attention at the first sign of back injury such as pain, lameness or paralysis for successful healing. For more information, contact your veterinarian Greensboro, NC.
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