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11:05 AM
Picking Up Your Cat

Your cat is pretty sturdy but you can injure or frighten her if you pick her up improperly. At the very least, you can annoy her. The first step in picking up your cat is determining whether she wants to be picked up. Carefully observe her behavior and body language. If your cat is crouched down with pinned back ears while hissing and wagging her tail aggressively, leave her alone unless it is an emergency and you need to move her from harm’s way. A purring cat rubbing against your legs will welcome you. Use one arm under her chest and the other arm and forearm to lift her belly and support her completely. Never pick up your cat by the scruff or the neck or her tail or even by the front legs as you would a human baby. Handle her carefully and place her somewhere safe. Learn more from your Greensboro, NC veterinary clinic. Visit this link for details:

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