Main » 2017 » May » 10 » When You Might Not Want to Make Your Cat Wear a Collar
9:39 AM
When You Might Not Want to Make Your Cat Wear a Collar

Having your cat wear a collar is always a good idea. If he escapes outside and is found, he can easily be returned to you. However, that doesn’t mean a collar is the right solution in every circumstance.

Does your cat have a very thick coat? Or maybe he has extremely long hair? These kinds of cats may benefit from not wearing a collar. With so much hair to get in the way, a collar can be very uncomfortable. It can end up being a bit useless too. In order to accommodate all that hair, it will have to be big, and the bigger the collar, the more likely it is to fall off.

If you choose not to have a collar on your cat, make sure he’s at least microchipped. To learn more about whether your cat should wear a collar or not, call your local veterinarian Rochester NY.

Views: 439 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet clinic Rochester NY, veterinarians rochester ny | Rating: 5.0/1
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