If you have a Smartphone of some type then you may have used the built in GPS tracker to help navigate around new cities and towns. Some GPS trackers can even be used as a tool to locate your phone should you lose it. A similar device is now available for dogs like the Dalmatian. Companies have developed a GPS tracking device for your dog. One of the biggest fears for dog owners is their dog getting lost. Even though some dogs are equipped with microchips, it’s not always accessible to those who don’t have specially designed tracking scanners to read the microchip. Instead, you may be interested in learning more about the GPS tracker. The GPS device fits on your dog’s collar. If your Dalmatian goes missing, just log in to your GPS tracker and find his location. Make a visit to your veterin
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Did you know that some dogs, including the Affenpinscher, may develop gum disease or other dental illnesses over their lifetime? In some cases a dental exam may be recommended. If you notice that your Affenpinscher has swollen or red gums then you should call your vet to schedule an exam. You should also call to schedule an exam if notice your Affenpinscher is having trouble eating, chewing or has even developed bad breath. Any of these could be indications of gingivitis or other periodontal illnesses. During the dental exam your Affenpinscher will be sedated and your vet may check the teeth and gums for plaque and bacteria. Your vet may also take this time to scrape excessive plaque, calculus build-up and other debris from your Affenpinscher’s teeth. Teeth that are rotted may also be pulled at this tim
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Although there is no cure for FeLV, your vet may be able to tell you about various treatment options that are available to keep your cat comfortable and even give her more quality and quantity of life. For instance, taking extra precautions to keep your cat from developing secondary illnesses is of utmost importance. You can do this by keeping you Egyptian Mau indoors, keeping her away from other cats, and ensuring she has routine vet appointments to monitor her progress. A diet change may also be suggested. Because your cat’s immune system has been compromised she is more apt to contract additional viruses, infections and other diseases. Providing her with a nutritional diet that is free of raw meat, eggs and unpasteurized dairy products can cut down on exposure to bacteria or parasites that may
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If you want your cat to use the litter box, you have to create a litter box environment that your cat likes. Here’s the type of litter box that will make your feline friend happy.
First, choose a box that allows your cat to climb in the front. Top entrance boxes aren’t liked by most cats. A partially enclosed box will help you keep litter messes at bay, but it will make your cat happy too. Avoid the flap entrance and your cat will be able to breathe while he goes potty.
Make sure the box is shallow enough for your cat to enter and exit easily. Just an inch or two of litter is plenty for most cats. Scoop the box often as every cat loves a clean litter box!
Looking for more litter box advice? schedule an appointment with your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ.
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There is no cure for the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in Egyptian Mau cats or other feline breeds. However, educating yourself about the disease and how to prevent it can help keep your cat healthy and happy. FeLV is the second largest cause of death in cats behind trauma. FeLV is a virus that can cause anemia and lymphoma in cats. It is spread through saliva, blood, and bodily fluids. It is not contagious to other animals. The disease can weaken the immune system causing the cat to become susceptible to other deadly infections. The best prevention for FeLV is to keep your Egyptian Mau cats indoors, vaccinate them, and have them checked for FeLV on a routine basis. Vaccines for cats at high risk of FeLV are available although not 100% guaranteed. Your vet can help you decide the best route of prevention. For more information
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The eyes are extremely sensitive organs, and the best thing that pet owners can do when their dog suffers from an eye injury is to take their pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Treating your dog’s eye at home is NOT recommended unless you have instructions from your veterinarian. You may be asked to administer first aid that usually involves flushing out the dog’s eye or applying a cool compress to the affected eye. When you do any of these tasks, make sure to be gentle because your dog is likely to be in pain.
When flushing out a dog’s eye, use sterile saline eyewash solution; contact lens solution is NOT recommended
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Kennel cough comes in the form of both a viral and bacterial infection that can cause inflammation in a Toy Poodle’s larynx and trachea. Symptoms of kennel cough usually involve a forceful cough or hacking sound in most dogs. Some dogs may also develop runny noses, sneezing, and possible eye discharge. Contact your vet right away if your Toy Poodle is presenting any of these symptoms as it may be kennel cough or some other illness. Like a human cold, there are various causes of kennel cough and it is highly contagious in dogs. Dogs often pick up the cold when they are exposed to crowded or poorly ventilated conditions found in some kennels and shelters. Cold temperatures, exposure to dust or smoke, and even travel related stress can also be a factor. Your vet care WestLake, TX can help diagnose and treat your Toy Poodle. A full recovery is almost always expected.
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There are many reasons why cats can feel sad or depressed. A change in the daily routine of the household, when a favorite human leaves for school, or the loss of a kitty friend may give rise to feelings of sadness. Some cats even develop deep depression as a result of a divorce, separation, or even the death of their favorite person.
Here are other reasons why your cat may be depressed:
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