Your cat scratches to remove the worn outer layers of her nails to expose sharp new ones. She will also scratch to mark her territory using scent from glands in her feet. Thus you may never completely eliminate your cat’s scratching but you can reduce the scratching of your personal belongings such as your sofa, drapes and carpeting. Purchase a few scratching posts and pads and place them near your targeted belongings. Redirect your cat to the appropriate scratching posts without fuss when she heads toward your belongings. Don’t every yell at your cat or punish her while she is learning since you are fighting a natural instinct. Cover your targeted belongings with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet and deter her from scratching those items. Be patient and kind and eventua
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While having several cats mean more fun, it can also mean double the responsibility. There will be more pet cat issues and concerns that you have to deal with. Also, a good portion of your household budget will be allocated to the basic needs of your pets, like pet food, food and water bowls, kitty furniture, and other pet essentials.
During mealtime, close supervision is necessary to make sure that each cat gets to consume his meal without being disturbed by the more dominant cats. Take note that the more dominant cats often eat more than the submissive ones. And these are the cats that tend to become overweight, while the others cats m
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Pet owners should develop the habit of observing their pets closely so they will be able to spot any sign indicating that something is amiss. A dog’s elimination habits, as well as the appearance of the stool, can reveal important information about the animal’s health.
As to the question whether the worms was eliminated with the feces or just found its way to the fecal material, that is something that you should try to answer. If you were around while your pet was doing his business, you may notice if w
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Walking your dog provides both you and your dog with needed exercise and gives you a chance to bond. You can both socialize with neighbor dogs and their owners. And getting away from your home provides your dog with mental stimulation. Teach your dog to walk with a slack leash along side you so he isn’t dragging you around the neighborhood. Choose a few different walking routes to give your dog some variety. Change up the distance and pace of your walks as well. Consider taking your dog to the woods for a hike or even a swim if there is a safe river or pond nearby. Work on some of your obedience commands while walking. And don’t forget to talk to your dog regardless of what the neighbors think. Your dog enjoys your company and will look forward to quality time with you. For more information,
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Did you know that Hypoglycemia can occur in a variety of canine breeds including the Affenpinscher? Hypoglycemia is when a dog’s blood sugar level or glucose level is abnormally low. Symptoms of the disease may include a sudden decrease in energy, change in appetite, weakness, restlessness, confusion and even fainting. Hypoglycemia is often the result of an overdose of insulin in diabetic dogs. Experts have found that hypoglycemia can also be the result of an underlying health problem. For instance, a dog’s brain needs a constant supply of glucose in order to function. An underlying illness could be preventing this from happening, which in turn triggers hypoglycemia to occur. If your Affenpinscher is diabetic, you especially want to watch for signs and symptoms, but non-diabetic dogs should be monitored as well. Talk to your best veterinarians Plano, TX to learn more about the signs and symptoms of Hypogl
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Canines of various breeds including the Affenpinscher can develop diabetes over the course of their lifetime for different reasons. There are generally two types of diabetes. One is Type I and the other is Type II. Understanding diabetes and how to recognize signs and symptoms can help diagnose your dog’s condition sooner. Basically, Type I diabetes is when there is a shortage of insulin. Type II diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t know what to do with the insulin it has. Type I and Type II prevent a dog from converting glucose or sugar into energy and instead sends excessive amounts of glucose into the blood stream. When there isn’t enough insulin, the dog’s body will break down fat and protein reserves as alternative energy, which could cause excessive weight loss, increased thirst, increased urination, etc. Always call your veterinarian Plano, TX if your Affenpinscher is showing any of signs of diabetes. Learn more here:
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It’s usually normal for dogs like Toy Poodles to get constipated on occasion. However, frequent constipation needs to be addressed by your veterinarian. If your pup appears to be straining to poop or isn’t pooping regularly, give your vet a call to let him know what’s going on. Your vet may advise you to give it a day or two to see if your Toy Poodle’s body will naturally take care of the problem. In some cases, your vet may even recommend a few home remedies to help with the problem. For instance, your vet may suggest giving your pup a daily dose of fiber. Fiber can be found in powder form in most drug stores. A typical dosage is a fourth of a teaspoon twice a day depending on the dog’s weight. You can administer the fiber by dissolving it in warm water and pouring it over food. A
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Occasional constipation can be a normal occurrence in dogs like the Toy Poodle and other canine breeds. However, constant efforts to poop without any success can be dangerous. If you suspect your Toy Poodle is constipated call your vet. Signs of constipation in dogs include straining, dry stools, lack of pooping, mucous or blood covered stools, vomiting, lack of appetite, depression and possibly swelling around the anus. Constipation can be caused by a variety of things such as swallowed bones, swallowed hair, swallowed foreign objects, excessive fiber in the diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, trauma, stress, change in environment, change in hormones, change in blood potassium or blood thyroid levels, etc. If you notice any of the visual signs, please call your vet. X-rays may be needed to determine a possible blockage
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It’s important to help keep your British Shorthair cat’s eyes clean from general eye gunk and other debris. Before cleaning your cat’s eyes, ask your vet about the type of cleaning solution to use. Some basic ways to keep your cat’s eyes clean includes keeping your cat indoors or a safe distance away when you are mowing the lawn or working in the yard. You should also keep your cat away from you if you are dusting or vacuuming. If your cat likes to ride in the car, don’t let her hold her head out the wi
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Your cat can provide a lot of messages to you by using her tail to indicate her mood. Understanding what she is trying to communicate with each movement can help you get to know your cat and respond to her appropriately. An erect tail belongs to a cat that is happy and alert. She is ready to cuddle and explore her world. If your cat wags her tail aggressively back and forth, she is angry and likely to lash out. This is not a good time to pick her up or get in her personal space. If her tail is tucked between her legs and she is acting evasive, she is probably frightened. Try to determine the cause of the fear and eliminate it so your cat will feel secure again. Pay attention and your cat will indicate her moods to you. For additional information, contact your Springdale, ON veterinarian.
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Did you know that the process of weaning puppies is when you gradually cut down the puppy’s dependence on its mother’s milk and her care? Talk to your vet about when and how to wean your Huskys. Your vet can give you helpful hints on the best ways to separate a mother from her pups. He may suggest starting out by separating the puppies from their mother for a few hours at a time. During this time you should introduce your puppies to eating out of a bowl. The separation period will help reduce the puppies’ need for their mother’s milk. Gradually increase the amount of time they are away from their mother. Each time they are separated, increase the amount of food you give to the puppies. Over time they will begin eating more on their own and become more independent. Consult with your veterinary clinic Frisco, TX for more information. Or click this link:
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Your cat has a righting reflex so she can spin around quickly and land on her feet in a fall. Her flexible spine helps her turn quickly and the fluid in her inner ear helps your cat keep track of which way is up. However, just because your cat can right herself doesn’t mean she won’t be injured in a fall. If the fall is too low, your cat may not have the time to right herself and she could crash to the ground. Your cat could bang her belly on the ground as she bottoms out if the fall is high. She could land on her feet but suffer orthopedic injuries in her feet and legs as they act as shock absorbers. And if she bangs her head on the ground it could be disastrous. Thus it is important that you avoid falls in the first place. For more information, contact your Springdale, ON veter
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If you recently purchased or adopted a Havanese dog then you will most likely need to register him with your town, city or county authorities. Your vet should know about the general registration requirements for your area. For instance, some states in general require all dogs to be registered with their local town and/or county. Registration may include simply going to the town clerk’s office and completing a form or having your vet mail in a certificate stating your dog is compliant with all required vaccinations. In some counties and towns, your dog receives a registration application or certificate when he receives his rabies shot. A copy of that certificate or completed registration is then sent to the appropriate office. A fee may or may not be required. In addition, your dog may be required to wear county or town issued ID and registration tags. Contact your veterinarian Frisco, TX to learn more.
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When the weather starts to get warmer your Boxer may need additional access to water to stay cool and hydrated. Sometimes Boxers and other canine breeds will stop by the swimming pool for a quick drink. This is not recommended. If possible, keep your pool closed off and inaccessible for your Boxer. Your vet can tell you that in most cases the amount of chlorine in a well maintained swimming pool is fairly low. However, if you’re not the one maintaining the pool do not assume the levels are low. Chlorinated water in general is not the best choice for animal or human. You should try and discourage your dog from drinking the pool water. If he does swallow pool water, just give your vet a call and find out if there’s anything you need to do. For more information about the dangers of pool water for your pup, call your vet Frisco, TX.
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