Need to give your dog some water? Putting a little H2O in a bowl is the easiest way to water your pooch, but there are so many other options!
Does your dog run out of water often? Fresh water is always best, but you can ensure your canine companion always has access to water if you choose a dog bowl that automatically refills itself. If you really want to pamper your pooch, choose a doggy drinking fountain!
Heading outside? There are many doggy bowl options. Some are collapsible and can easily be thrown in a purse or put in a pocket. You can also purchase water bottles that come with a convenient attachment that can unfold and act as a bowl.
To make sure your dog doesn’t get dehydrated this summer, click here, or schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Leesburg, VA.
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Your family has a thing for animals, and enjoys the company of pocket pets in particular. However, you know that each one will need their own specific habitat. What should you consider when creating the living space for such a creature?
Pocket pets need to be safely contained, so make sure to find an enclosure that will do so while still offering plenty of fresh air to your little fur ball. This should be large enough for your pet to get the exercise her body craves, as well as entertain herself with some toys. Choose a natural bedding material, and allow your pet to have a place to call her own, like a small house she can get some privacy in. Designate a spot for food and water, and make sure you will be able to keep everything nice and clean for your pet so she will be comfortable. For more information, please contact your McHenry, IL vet clinic.
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Vaccination is the most reliable way to protect cats and dogs from certain medical conditions that can be life-threatening. There are pet owners who have apprehensions about having their pets vaccinated because of the potential reactions. But truth to tell, there is only a very slim chance of pets suffering an adverse reaction after vaccination. Most don’t exhibit any reaction after vaccination, thus dispensing the need for special aftercare after being vaccinated.
Some pets may react mildly by appearing “off color” for a day or two after being vaccinated. They may not like to eat and prefer to just laze around. Sometime the
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You cat scratches to remove the worn old layers of her nails to reveal new sharp ones. She also scratches to mark her territory with scent from glands in her feet. This type of marking also leaves a visual marker. Thus you may never eliminate your cat’s scratching but you can reduce the scratching of your personal belongings such as your sofa, drapes or carpeting. Purchase scratching posts and pads and place them close to your targeted personal belongings. Move your cat to them any time she starts to scratch your belongings. Don’t make a fuss. Just pick her up and move her. Cover your targeted belongings with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet and will discourage her from scratching. Never yell at your cat or punish her while she is learning. For more information, contact your Eagle, ID veterinarian.
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Did you know that cats that are diagnosed with feline diabetes may need to have their blood sugar levels tested on a daily basis? If this is the case for your Bombay then your vet may recommend that you test your cat’s blood sugar level at home on a handheld meter or device. Many pet owners simply use a handheld people glucometer. If your cat will not allow you to test her blood then you may have to go in to the vet’s office for frequent testing. Some cat owners will test their cat’s blood by pricking the marginal vein in their cat’s ear to obtain a blood sample. A sample can also be taken from your cat’s front metacarpal foot pad. Make sure the blood drop makes it onto the strip and then insert the strip as directed on the glucometer. Compare the reading with the recent readings from your veterinarian Indianapolis, IN. <
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If your Bombay cat has been diagnosed with feline diabetes then your vet may require you make several changes to your cat’s daily lifestyle. For instance, your vet may recommend daily changes in your cat’s eating habits and exercise routines to help treat the diabetes. Your cat’s treatment plan may also involve daily medications of insulin either orally or by injections. Your cat may also need his blood sugar level monitored. Routine monitoring is required since your cat’s blood sugar levels may change over time signaling a need to increase or decrease medications. If your cat starts to show increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, and weight loss, call your vet right away. It’s important to always report to your vet as changes in your cat’s condition could occur suddenly and require immediate tre
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Your hamster spends a lot of time in his cage, and he needs it to be nice and clean if he is to be comfortable within it. However, there is a lot to be done to keep it this way. How can you keep his cage looking great?
Your pet will need you to thoroughly clean out his cage every week or so and replace any soiled bedding with new options. This will also allow you to wash the enclosure itself with warm, soapy water. In addition to this, your pet will need you to spot clean his cage daily. This means removing uneaten food or soiled areas of bedding that you can see. This will help keep everything fresh between your big cleanings, and help your pet stay comfortable in his living space. For more information, please contact your local Folsom, CA vet clinic.
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Feline diabetes typically comes in two categories: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). If your Bombay has diabetes, ask your vet what particular kind it is. Experts suggest that around one-half to three-quarters of cats with feline diabetes require insulin injections once the disease is identified. The remaining cats most likely have non-insulin dependent diabetes but may require injections to control the disease. Four classic symptoms of sugar diabetes include an increase in appetite, weight loss, increased urination, and increased water consumption. Diabetes most often occurs in older, obese cats and is commonly seen in males more often than females. If you notice any of the classic symptoms in your cat, call your vet right away to set up a check-up. Your
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Your pet rabbit needs a variety of foods to keep him healthy and happy. Start with a high-quality rabbit pellet, leafy greens and other crunchy vegetables. Small pieces of fruit make a nice treat. And your rabbit needs lots and lots of hay. Hay adds nutrition and roughage to keep your rabbit’s digestive system working well. And all that nibbling helps keep your rabbit’s teeth trim. Alfalfa hay has too much protein for adult rabbits so timothy hay is a better choice. You can buy small bales of timothy hay from a reputable pet supply store. You can also find fresh timothy hay at feed stores or online. This fresh hay is yummy and adds extra moisture. Remove and discard old hay daily. Be generous when providing your rabbit with hay and you can estimate how much he eats after a week or so. For more information, contact your Happy Valley, OR veterinarian.
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You need to trim your cat’s nails to reduce the weapons she could use to destroy your property or scratch you. She could also get them caught in your drapes or carpet and injure her toes. Thus you need to trim your cat’s nails regularly. Start when your cat is young so it becomes routine. Handle your cat’s feet and toes so she gets used to your touch. When you are ready to trim your cat’s nails, act quickly and efficiently. Grasp your cat’s foot and press on the pads to extend the nails. Trim a little off at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the nerve and blood supply to the nail and will hurt and bleed if nicked. Continue as long as your at doesn’t resist even if you can only cut one or two nails. Just try another day. For more information, contact your San Leandro, CA veterinarian.
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