Cats have excellent hearing and can hear a range of sounds that neither humans nor dogs can hear. Cats can also hear sounds in the ultrasound range, which helps in hunting since many rodents make sounds in this range. Your cat can turn their ears 180 degrees and each ear can rotate independently from the other ear. Your cat can also hear different sounds in each ear. This helps your cat determine the direction and distance she is from the source of the sound. The relatively large size of your cat’s ears amplifies sound. Your cat’s ears also help your cat maintain balance. The fluid in the inner ear helps your cat determine the orientation of the head so your cat can adjust as needed. The inner ear also responds to gravity to help in coordination and positioning of the body. Learn more from your Montgomery, TX veterinary clinic. Or visit this website Lake Conroe - Lakeway Animal Medical & Surgical Cl
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There are a many methods to teach your puppy obedience and basic household manners. However, for best success, keep in mind these guidelines. Choose command words carefully and use them consistently every single time. Give each command just once in an authoritative voice and a confident posture. You want your dog to know you mean business and the commands are not optional. However, you also want training sessions to be fun so keep things upbeat and smile when your dog behaves well. Keep a leash handy if your dog doesn’t obey so you can end the training session quickly and pick it up another time. Don’t insist on a command that your dog hasn’t been trained in and has shown reliable obedience. Offer treats and plenty of praise as needed. Never punish your dog for slip ups. Just back up and start again. Learn more from your Montgomery, TX veterinary clinic.
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Your puppy will need to learn to walk on a leash for exercise and for any excursions outside the yard and house. Start by getting your puppy used to a collar. Put the collar on for progressively longer periods of time till you can leave it on full time. A collar with an ID tag is the first step in getting your dog back if he gets lost. Next clip a lightweight leash to the collar and let your dog drag the leash behind them to become accustomed to the weight. When your dog is comfortable with the leash, pick up the end and follow your dog around while offering ample praise. Start with short walks. If your puppy starts to pull, change direction so your puppy needs to catch up with you. Work to keep the leash slack. For more information, contact your Montgomery, TX veterinarian.
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Your pet is important to you, and you want to make sure you are able to determine the best way to care for her that you can. However, this doesn’t mean that it will always be you who is tending to her needs. A pet sitter can help you make sure you’re your pet’s needs are met when you are unavailable.
To find the right pet sitter, take the time to determine what your pet really needs from a sitter. Find someone that can easily handle everything your pet needs, and take the time to enjoy some quality time with your little fur ball. You want someone who is going to happily care for your pet and help to make her comfortable. This means that you will need someone that you are able to trust in addition to someone that your pet can count on. Your Westlake Village, CA vet can help you better understand your pet’s needs.
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Your dog is a part of your family, and she helps you enjoy your time at home day after day. Soon you will be adding a new pet to your home, and you want to make sure your dog gets along with him well. How can you do this?
How you go about the bonding process will depend on the type of pet you are bringing home, and your dog’s personality. If your pet will be out and about with your dog, take the time to introduce them to one another slowly. You want them to get along, and it’s important that one doesn’t seem more important to you than the other. If the new pet could easily be harmed by your dog, make a point to give them some space. Be sure to provide them with proper supervision at all times. Your Westlake Village, CA vet can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.
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Your dog loves taking walks with you, and she particularly enjoys exploring different places at different times of the day. This offers her not only some exercise, but also some extra mental stimulation, some fresh air, and some bonding time with you. Because of this, you want to make sure he is getting everything he needs out of his walks. How long should you spend outside with him?
Every dog is different, so they will each be able to spend different amounts of time on physical exercise each day. Your pet’s walking needs will depend on his age, breed, and lifestyle in addition to any individual physical needs that could impact his movement. Take these into account when planning his walks, and take the time to evaluate them as you head out with him. For additional information, please contact your local Westlake Village, CA vet.
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