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Rabbits don’t like baths. Not only do they despise them, they can actually cause medical and mental problems for your furry friend. However, there are a few situations where a traditional bath might be in order.

Did your rabbit get into something that could be dangerous for him to ingest? Accidents happen, but it’s important for you to wash the mess off right away. Put a little bit of warm soapy water in the kitchen sink and very gently scrub the mess away, taking special care to rinse away all the suds.

If your rabbit isn’t feeling well or he’s getting a bit old, he may not be able to clean himself like he used to. Wash away the mess the first time. Then, use a wet wipe to wipe away messes in the future before they get out of hand.

For more tips, click here, or visit with your veteri ... Read more »

Views: 602 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.11.2016 | Comments (0)

Collars aren’t what they used to be. Make sure your cat is the most stylish animal on the block with these dressy cat collar ideas.

There are many charms that you can hang from your cat’s collar. Bells are popular, but there are a wide variety of cute dangly charms that you can decorate your cat’s collar with.

Think outside the box and choose a collar with an accessory attached directly to the collar itself. From cute pom-pom flowers to boy ties, there are options for both male and female cats.

Does your cat venture outside frequently? Choose a breakaway collar with reflective fabric so others can see him when he’s out prowling at night.

Save some money and decorate your cat’s collar at home! For more tips on decorating your cat’s collar, call your ... Read more »

Views: 524 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.11.2016 | Comments (0)

Chances are, you spent a lot of time choosing the right cage and getting everything set up inside just right for your guinea pig. Unfortunately, this is only half of the puzzle. The other half is finding the perfect place for your pet’s cage.

Hands-down, the most important thing to consider when it comes to cage placement is finding a place that is draft-free. Getting placed in a drafty area could result in an upper respiratory infection.

Avoid humid areas, like next to the bathroom or laundry room. Choose a room that has a relatively stable temperature and gets plenty of natural sunlight each day.

Make sure you place your piggy in an area where he can observe the comings and goings of your family, which means you need to get that cage up off the floor!

For more tips, ... Read more »

Views: 448 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 01.11.2016 | Comments (0)