Did you know that Boxers can be prone to gingivitis and other periodontal diseases? If your Boxer has bad breath or appears to be having trouble chewing or eating, talk to your vet about scheduling an exam. Gingivitis is usually the culprit of bad breath. This disease involves inflammation, redness and swelling of the gums due to the build-up of plaque, which is food or other debris. Only your vet can tell you if your Boxer has gingivitis. Your vet will need to perform a physical exam on your Boxer and will most likely ask you for a detailed history of your Boxer’s overall health. Be prepared to describe any symptoms your Boxer may be experiencing including when the symptoms appeared and how long they last. Your vet Southside, IN may also want to know what type of food your Boxer eats and whether or not you clean your Boxer’s teeth. For more details, click here.
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The Akita is a member of the Nordic dog breed. He is well known for his fluffy tightly curled tail, pointed and alert ears, and plush fur. The Akita is often described as a docile companion dog with a bear like look about him. However, the Akita is also seen as a territorial dog that can be overly aggressive. In fact, most insurance companies have classified the Akita in the same class as the Pit Bull giving it low marks and listing it as high risk for biting and aggression. The truth of the matter is that the Akita is a territorial dog that has the ability to knock someone out; however, when trained properly from a young age, the Akita can be very calm, loving, and obedient. In fact, Akitas are said to make great family dogs as long as they are socialized and trained early on. Your veterinary clinic Southside, IN can give you more information.
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Some people encourage their dogs to jump up when they are puppies and soon find out it’s not so much fun when the dog is full-grown. Teaching your dog not to jump up relies on both preventing the behavior and also discouraging it when it does happen. Try to anticipate when your dog is about to jump up and immediately command him to SIT. If your dog is sitting, he cannot jump up. If you dog jumps up on you, turn your back on him so he will fall to the floor. Ignore the jumping up and only praise your dog or pay any attention to him when all four feet are on the floor. Enlist friends or neighbors in your training sessions. Provide them with treats to reward your dog once the jumping up stops or if your dog doesn’t jump up at all. Contact your Biloxi, MS veterinarian for more information.
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Eyes are generally self-cleaning organs but pay attention to protect your dog’s eyes. Examine your dog’s eyes regularly to check that they are clear and bright and without tearing or discharge. Check the inside of the eyelids to see that they are pink and not red or white. Use a damp cotton ball to wipe away any minor discharge from sleeping. Watch for any swelling, too much tearing, dry eye or anything that looks abnormal. Keep your dog’s hair trimmed from around the eyes to keep stray hairs from scratching or poking at your dog’s eyes. Don’t allow your dog to stick his head out of the car window while driving where eyes can be damaged by flying debris. Even on walks, take care of wind blowing dirt or leaf particles into your dog’s eyes. Protect your dog from debris from leaf blowers. Contact your Biloxi, MS vet for more information.
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