Main » 2016 » January » 1 » Training Your Puppy to Walk on a Leash
10:55 AM
Training Your Puppy to Walk on a Leash

Your puppy will need to learn to walk on a leash for exercise and for any excursions outside the yard and house. Start by getting your puppy used to a collar. Put the collar on for progressively longer periods of time till you can leave it on full time. A collar with an ID tag is the first step in getting your dog back if he gets lost. Next clip a lightweight leash to the collar and let your dog drag the leash behind them to become accustomed to the weight. When your dog is comfortable with the leash, pick up the end and follow your dog around while offering ample praise. Start with short walks. If your puppy starts to pull, change direction so your puppy needs to catch up with you. Work to keep the leash slack. For more information, contact your Montgomery, TX veterinarian.

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