Main » 2016 » January » 1 » How long should your dog's walks be?
4:47 AM
How long should your dog's walks be?

Your dog loves taking walks with you, and she particularly enjoys exploring different places at different times of the day. This offers her not only some exercise, but also some extra mental stimulation, some fresh air, and some bonding time with you. Because of this, you want to make sure he is getting everything he needs out of his walks. How long should you spend outside with him?

Every dog is different, so they will each be able to spend different amounts of time on physical exercise each day. Your pet’s walking needs will depend on his age, breed, and lifestyle in addition to any individual physical needs that could impact his movement. Take these into account when planning his walks, and take the time to evaluate them as you head out with him. For additional information, please contact your local Westlake Village, CA vet.

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