Your cat’s whiskers are more than hairs that make your cat look cute. They are specialized hair that is connected to a vast network of sensory nerves. The whiskers help your cat become more conscious of her surroundings and help your cat be more aware of her body within those surroundings. They can aid in determining distance and height when jumping from place to place and keep your kitty safe. Whiskers are as wide as the space your cat can safely squeeze through, providing a guidance system that works even in the dark. Your cat’s whiskers also help your cat sense when other objects or creatures are nearby so she can react quickly. With all the sensory cues you cat receives from her whiskers, it’s essential to never trim your cat’s whiskers. Whiskers that fall out on their own will grow back naturally. For more information, contact your Greensboro, NC vet.
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Meowing is an important communication method for cats. Adult cats usually reserve through meowing for you. Sometimes your cat will meow to say hello or when looking for attention or because they are bored. Cats will meow for food too. Sometimes cats will meow excessively and you will need to manage this behavior problem. If your cat follows you around meowing constantly, do not respond with attention or fun play. Wait till your kitty is quiet and then lay on the attention. Try to anticipate when your cat needs to be fed to avoid reinforcing the heavy meowing with a food reward. Exercise your cat regularly and give them plenty of toys to play with to keep them mentally stimulated. Excessive meowing that begins suddenly could indicate a health issue. Make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Moncton, NB to rule out any problems and to discuss behavior issues.
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What you feed your Maine Coon cat when he is a kitten will most likely change as he grows into an adult. Knowing when to change your Maine Coon’s food as well as when and how to increase or decrease his food can be hard to determine. Luckily, your vet can help you solve this dilemma. Your vet can help you understand that what you feed your Maine Coon cat not only depends on age, but it also depends on weight as well as the type of food you’re feeding. For instance, your Maine Coon cat may require larger quantities of dry food over wet food. Brand can also come into play. Your Maine Coon may eat smaller portions of a quality brand food in comparison to the portions of a generic, basic brand. Your veterinary clinic Tampa, FL staff may suggest feeding an 8 pound cat around 240 calories a day. To learn more, click here.
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