If your Somali cat has been diagnosed with feline diabetes, make sure you talk with your vet about treatment plans including possible insulin injections. If insulin injections are needed, schedule a time with your vet so that he can show you how to give the injections to your cat. Here are a few tips and reminders for the process: First, never administer the shot if there is an air bubble in the syringe. Release the insulin back in the bottle and try again. If you inject your cat on the right side in the morning, alternate and inject her left side at night. Always reward your cat with a treat or a gentle stroke of the fur to ensure her that she is OK and doing a good job. Try not to become stressed as it will affect your cat’s reaction to the procedure as well. For more ideas, call your vets Plano, TX.

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Views: 340 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.31.2018 | Comments (0)

Are you planning to take you dog to a boarding facility while you are traveling? If so, help your dog prepare for the change in routine by introducing him to the boarding facility early. Call and schedule a doggie play day for your pup and have him stay the day. Wait a few days after this visit and schedule an overnight visit for your dog. If you will be leaving him for an extended period, schedule an even longer visit for your pup. This will help your dog adjust to the new environment, get used to the routine and schedule of the facility, and understand that each time he was left you came back and picked him up. This can help ease your dog’s anxiety as well as give the boarder a chance to get to know your dog and talk with you about any possible concerns. For more tips and suggestions, give your veterinarian Frisco, TX a call.

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Views: 286 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.31.2018 | Comments (0)

Your parakeet needs exercise to keep healthy and happy. Exercise works his muscles and joints and provides mental stimulation. Your parakeet can hop from place to place if there are multiple perches in the cage. Your parakeet will keep active with ladders, swings and bell toys. However, don’t put so many things in the cage that your parakeet can’t move around freely. The best exercise for your parakeet is flying. Thus your parakeet needs time outside the cage daily. In addition to exercise, time outside the cage allows your parakeet to socialize and bond with you. Secure the flight area to keep your parakeet safe. Close windows and doors and turn off ceiling fans. Check that nothing can fall on your parakeet and hurt him. Remove any toxic plants since your parakeet will nibble on them. Have fun and encourage movement during exercise time. Learn more from your Chattanooga, TN veterinary clinic. Read more ... Read more »

Views: 391 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.31.2018 | Comments (0)

In your multiple-cat home, you will see that they may share everything from food/water bowls to toys and even your attention. However, each cat should have her own litter box. Cats are not pack animals and they need their privacy at times especially when using the litter box. Cats are facetious so training them to use the litter box is usually easy. Yet minor things may push your cat to find less inappropriate places to go. A lack of privacy or the need to compete for the litter box may stress your cat. Your cats are instinctually territorial so if a litter box is in another cat’s territory, there may be squabbling. Giving each cat her own litter box in her established territory can avoid all this stress. Keep all litter boxes clean so the cats will be more likely to use them consistently. Contact your Chattanooga, TN vet to learn more. Click on the link for additional details: https://vetcleveland.com/

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Views: 307 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.31.2018 | Comments (0)

It isn’t enough to simply want to bring a dog home. Just because you like the idea of sharing your house with a canine companion doesn’t mean it’s a good idea! Instead, look for these signs that you’re really ready.

First, you have to make sure you have the time. Unlike other animals that can be left alone for long stretches during the day, dogs need to be checked on regularly. You’re ready to bring home a dog if you spend the majority of your time at home during the day, in the evenings, and/or on the weekends.

Owning a dog doesn’t come cheap. You have to buy food, toys, and accessories. You also have to pay for veterinary care. You’re only ready to adopt a dog if you have the funds to keep him happy and healthy.

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Views: 331 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.30.2018 | Comments (0)

Your hamster is an adorable little creature and you are ready and willing to spend time with her. How can you make sure you are both enjoying the time you spend together?

Your pet needs to be able to learn about you through interaction. This will help her get to know you, bond with you, and understand that you are trustworthy. Once this happens your pet will be comfortable having some fun with you. This means that she will be more relaxed in your interactions, which will give you an opportunity to get to know her preferences. You can then adjust your activities to suit both of your interests to ensure you are able to take part in activities you will both enjoy. This may mean having some ideas when you bring her out for playtime as well as seeing where your time together takes you. For more information, please contact your local Pickerington, OH veterinarian.

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Views: 313 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.30.2018 | Comments (0)

Your dog may dig in the yard for a number of reasons. In discovering why your dog digs, you can more easily prevent it. The most common reason your dog may dig is boredom. Don’t leave your dog alone in the yard for long periods of time. Otherwise he may work to dig up the shrubs or excavate a hole to keep cool. Give your dog plenty of toys to play with while he is out in the yard. A better strategy is to get outside and play with him so he sees your yard as a fun place. Your dog may be tempted to escape the yard by digging under the fence to play with other dogs or children. Consider preventing digging by burying wire fencing or cinder blocks at the fence line. Socialize your dog to people and other dogs to help curb his need to escape. For more information, ask your pet clinic Chattanooga, TN.

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Views: 319 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.30.2018 | Comments (0)

Your dog is an excellent companion and he has been for a long time now. How can you make sure he is getting the care he needs now that he is in his senior years?

Your pet has always needed you to look after him and this time in his life is no different. He may need you to adjust your care in a few areas, but this will likely be apparent when the time comes. For example, you may notice that he gets tired more quickly, so you will shorten walks a bit or have less intense play sessions with your pet. Make a point to talk to his veterinarian about things that may not be noticeable, like changes in his dietary needs, as she may have some advice for you. For more information, please contact your local Georgetown, IN veterinarian.

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Views: 304 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.28.2018 | Comments (0)

You will soon be bringing a furry friend into your home and you are preparing for her arrival. Because the pet supply items for a guinea pig are readily available, you feel your main challenge will be to get used to interacting with your pet. How can you do this?

You will need to start off gradually getting your pet used to having contact with you. Remember that she doesn’t know you and that you are a lot larger than she is. She needs time to begin to trust in you and understand that you are looking after her. Talk to her and offer some attention when you are meeting her other needs, like cleaning her cage up a little or offering her some food. Dedicate some time to each day to bring her out of her enclosure to move about freely so you can bond with one another a bit. For more information, please contact your Omaha NE veterinarian.

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Views: 365 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

You recently added a cat to your household and you are happy to spend as much time with her as you can. However, neither of you are completely comfortable with this just yet. How can you get there?

Your pet is new to your life and it will take some time to get to know her. She also needs to get to know you and understand that you are a trustworthy friend who is looking out for her before she will be comfortable in your presence. Make an effort to spend as much time with your pet as you can so you can bond with one another. This will help you understand her needs better and allow you to get to know her personality so you can interact with her more efficiently. For additional information, please contact your local Portland, OR vet.

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Views: 341 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 07.27.2018 | Comments (0)

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