Main » 2014 » October » 14 » Why does Your Dog bring everything you Throw Back to you?
6:18 AM
Why does Your Dog bring everything you Throw Back to you?

You may wonder why your dog is so keen on participating in a rousing game of fetch. A dog’s natural instinct is that, if their owner throws something very far, their owner will want that object back right away, so the dog runs to go fetch it.

Take a ball, for example…a dog knows that, if the owner throws the ball very far, the owner will want the ball back. So basically, the dog comes running back to the owner, and it’s like “Oh, did you drop this? Let me give it back to you.” as if it was a quarter someone dropped on the floor when reaching for their credit card.

Never underestimate the intelligence of dogs. The fact that they are so laid-back is what makes them seem “dumb”, but in truth, thanks to their instincts, they are usually quite intelligent, almost more so than humans in some cases. Learn more about the unique mind of a dog and other dog topics at this site of the veterinarian Racine.

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