Main » 2014 » October » 29 » The dog food trap…all carbohydrate filler….very little nutrition
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The dog food trap…all carbohydrate filler….very little nutrition

It is hard to believe, but some dog food manufacturers actually fill up the dog food content with loads and loads of carbohydrates and put very little actual nutrition in the food that you buy for your dog.

If you read the label of ingredients, there are some dog food brands that do not even list the carbohydrates on it or there is no indication on how much “filler” of carbohydrates is in the ingredients.

But, that is not the kicker.

The kicker is….your dog could live a very healthy and wonderful life if it never ate one ounce of carbohydrates…ever. But, it can eat carbs, so no problem either way.

So, the dog food manufacturers would know this, so why do they even put it in dog food or at least, why so much of it?

Carbohydrates are cheaper to obtain and easier to process, so why not make a few extra dollars off the consumer and just load up the contents of the dog food products with mostly carbohydrates with a sprinkling of actual nutritional ingredients? The website for the veterinary clinic San Jose can help you to find out more about your dog.

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