Main » 2014 » October » 24 » Pets and Heat Stress
1:20 AM
Pets and Heat Stress

When environmental temperatures are soaring, pets should have free access to adequate shade, ventilation, and fresh drinking water. Responsible pet owners make sure their pets stay cool and hydrated. Pets that are exposed to hot weather can quickly succumb to heat stress, and possibly death.

If your pet is housed outside the house, make sure there’s plenty of shade throughout the day. Leave a few bowls of cold water for your pet to drink just in case one gets knocked over.

Here are some ways to protect your pet from heat stress:

  • Freeze containers filled with chicken or beef stock. Give them to your dog as cool treats during the day.
  • Provide extra water bowls to encourage your pet to drink.
  • Provide as much shade as possible using cloth and umbrellas.
  • Pets should never be left in a parked car even with windows down. Temperatures inside the vehicle can quickly shoot up very quickly.
  • Exercise and play should be scheduled early morning or evening.

Ask your West Houston veterinary clinic about important issues concerning your pet. You can get more information on this link

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