Main » 2014 » October » 25 » Himalayan Cats
7:21 AM
Himalayan Cats

Himalayan cats look like Persian cats, except for their brilliant blue eyes and point patterns. This is probably the reason why Himalayan cats are also referred to as “colorpoint Persian cats”. The breed’s name comes from the Himalayan rabbit that has the same point patterns.

The Himalayan has a thickset body with short legs and a short tail. Their glossy hair coat is long and thick. However, the most distinct features of these cats are their large and round brilliant blue eyes, and a broad head.

Himalayan cats have two facial types—traditional and extreme. The extreme type has been established to be predisposed to specific medical issues, thus cat owners are advised to select only “doll-faced” Himalayan cats.

Compared to Persian cats, Himalayans are chattier and more active. However, they are quieter than the noisy Siamese. Your Himalayan demands constant attention, especially if he has become attached to you.

For more information about your cat's dietary needs visit a vet clinic Round Rock.

Drake Pet Hospital

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