If your dog gets out of your yard he could get lost or hurt so you need to take care to prevent escapes. He may want to get out of the yard to play with dogs or children, mate or he is bored. Check the perimeter fence for any breaches. Your dog may try to dig under the fence so look for evidence of digging. You may need to place additional wire fencing or cinder blocks to prevent digging. Make sure to fill in any holes. The gate should be closed and locked at all times. Insist all family members follow this important rule. Give your dog fun things to do while in the yard. Toys and balls are fun. Consider setting up a ramp or tunnel to play with and get out there and play with your dog. Never leave him alone in the yard for long periods. For more information, contact your <
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Does your toy poodle have frequent seizures or epileptic fits? If so, schedule an exam with your vet right away to determine the cause and find a treatment solution. Your vet can help you better understand canine epilepsy, causes, symptoms, treatments, and management plans. In general, canine epilepsy can be a genetic disorder or one caused by underlying illnesses. With proper diagnosis, care, and treatment, your vet can help both you and your dog adjust to life with epilepsy. Medications may be prescribed to help prevent seizures or slow down the frequency. Your vet may ask that you keep a daily record or journal of your dog’s seizure activities in order to keep your dog’s treatment as effective as possible. Under the supervision of your vet, try and keep your toy poodle’s daily routine the same as much as possible to help reduce stress and anxiety. For suggestions, talk with your
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If you own a heavy silver ferret then you should make sure you take him in for routine wellness visits with your local vet. Request a heartworm test at these visits as well. If your ferret is heartworm negative you can start him on a monthly heartworm prevention program. If he tests positive, aggressive treatment will need to be started. A prevention program can be put into place once your ferret is cleared of all heartworms. Heartworm disease is typically caused by a worm capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your ferret. This can cause lung disease and heart failure. Signs of heartworm disease in ferrets can appear rapidly and aggressively due to their size. Symptoms most often include respiratory distress, a cough, fatigue, rapid breathing, and pale blue or muddy colored gums. Call your veterinary clinic North Phoenix, AZ immediately if your ferret is displaying any of these symptoms.
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Mouth rot is a common disease found in snakes like the milk snake. It usually shows up as swelling in the mouth, sores in the mouth, inflammation and even pockets of mucus or puss in the mouth. If you think your milk snake as mouth rot call your vet to schedule an appointment. Only your vet can diagnose mouth rot and prescribe treatment. Mouth rot often develops as a result of a compromised immune system. When the immune system is unable to regulate bacteria in the mouth infection can occur. Mouth sores, inflammation, anorexia, and swelling in the head are common signs of mouth rot. Your vet will need to exam your snake and possibly take a culture of the mucus and run blood work to make a diagnosis. In some cases a biopsy may be taken as well. Treatment generally includes antibiotics and antibiotic cream for the mouth. Talk with your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ for more information. Click this link for details: http:/
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Is your American Curl overweight or are you afraid she may become overweight? If so, talk with your vet about exercises that you can do with your cat to help stimulate your cat’s mental and physical energy levels. One example of exercise is playing indoors or outdoors with a mouse toy. Cats are natural predators and love to hunt and pounce on prey. Buy one of those sticks that has a mouse dangling from it and move it back and forth in the air or on the floor to motivate your cat to move. This may keep your cat’s attention for about three to five minutes. Once she loses interest, give her a break and start back later or start another exercise. Some owners take their cats on walks outdoors on a leash. This may be something your cat enjoys too. For more suggestions, talk with your pet clinic Scottsdale, AZ.
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Fatty liver disease is more common in cats, but can also be found in dogs especially the small and toy breeds. For instance, if you own a dog like the Italian Greyhound you should talk with your vet about appropriate foods to give your dog for his meal and snacks. Foods high in fat are not healthy for dogs and may cause health conditions like fatty liver disease. The disease can also be caused by an underlying health condition such as kidney disease, diabetes, obesity, malnourishment, and cancer. As a result large amounts of fat are placed in the liver, which can cause the liver to stop functioning. This can cause your dog to experience rapid weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, muscle wasting, depression, and drooling. Immediate treatment is needed right away in order to prevent further liver damage. Contact your best veterinarians Scottsdale, AZ right away if your dog has any of these symptoms.
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