Main » 2017 » April » 13 » How to Diagnose Mouth Rot in Milk Snakes
9:11 AM
How to Diagnose Mouth Rot in Milk Snakes

Mouth rot is a common disease found in snakes like the milk snake. It usually shows up as swelling in the mouth, sores in the mouth, inflammation and even pockets of mucus or puss in the mouth. If you think your milk snake as mouth rot call your vet to schedule an appointment. Only your vet can diagnose mouth rot and prescribe treatment. Mouth rot often develops as a result of a compromised immune system. When the immune system is unable to regulate bacteria in the mouth infection can occur. Mouth sores, inflammation, anorexia, and swelling in the head are common signs of mouth rot. Your vet will need to exam your snake and possibly take a culture of the mucus and run blood work to make a diagnosis. In some cases a biopsy may be taken as well. Treatment generally includes antibiotics and antibiotic cream for the mouth. Talk with your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ for more information. Click this link for details:

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