Main » 2017 » April » 17

Hamsters are pretty much nocturnal so your hamster may sleep through much of the day. Never wake your sleeping hamster since he could get cranky and bite you. This could also stress him and eventually cause health issues. Your hamster will have awake periods at dawn and dusk so take advantage of the awake times to play with him. Take him out of the cage and handle him so he gets used to you. Give him ramps to climb and tunnels to run through. Allow your hamster to explore your home. Always supervise him when he is outside his enclosure and make sure he is in a safe area where he cannot escape or hide. A hamster ball can be fun but watch for stairs and accidental kicks. Get down on the floor to play with your hamster so he associates you with fun. For more information, contact registered ... Read more »

Views: 459 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.17.2017 | Comments (0)

Secondhand smoke is dangerous to humans but it is especially dangerous to your cat. It can cause respiratory issues and even some cancers. One of the big issues with secondhand smoke and your cat is that if smoking is allowed in your home, your cat has no way to escape it. She breathes in secondhand smoke day and night. The smoke residue settles on your furniture, drapes, carpeting, bedding and other surfaces. Thus every time your cat walks on or lies on these surfaces, she can absorb the toxins through her skin. And whenever your cat grooms herself she ingests smoke toxins. The best action is to make your home smoke-free. Otherwise, open the windows to air out your home often. Wash all fabric items thoroughly and wipe down any other items. Don’t leave ashtrays around since your cat can be poisoned if she eats any butts. For additional ... Read more »

Views: 439 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.17.2017 | Comments (0)