Heartworms are parasites that enter your dog’s bloodstream as larvae through the bite of an infected mosquito. The heartworm larvae grow into large adult worms that clog the blood vessels, the lungs and the heart. Heartworms can make your dog very ill and if untreated, will kill him. There is treatment for heartworms but it is expensive and may require surgery. Thus it is better to prevent infection. Oral heartworm medication is available by prescription. Give your dog this medication monthly all year round since even a few warm days can make mosquitoes active and put your dog at risk. Protect your dog from getting mosquito bites by keeping him inside when mosquitoes are active. Don’t leave standing water on your property where mosquitoes could lay eggs. Your dog will need periodic blood tests to ensure that they haven’t been inadvertently infected by heartworms. Learn more from your Marion, IA veterinary clinic.
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There are plenty of plants and shrubbery that cats like the American Bobtail find appealing. However, there are numerous plants that your cat should avoid. Some plants can cause your cat serious health problems. If you’re not sure if a plant in your home is safe for your American Bobtail, just ask your vet. Several household and outside plants are non-toxic, but just as many can be toxic. For instance, the arum lily is a dangerous plant for cats to be around. If your cat ingests this plant, she could develop oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of the mouth (includes tongue and lips), excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. If your cat has any of these symptoms, call your vet. Make sure you remove the lily and clean up any leaves that have fallen to ensure your cat does not eat them. For more tips, talk with your veterinarian Colorado Springs, CO.
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Keeping your Chow Chow’s eyes clean is part of his everyday health and wellness care. Eyes can often drain creating matted and wet hair around the eye and on the face. Debris and dirt from the environment can often lead to gunk build up around the eyes as well. Keeping the eyes and eye area clean keep help keep your Chow Chow healthy and eye infection free. Ask your vet first before using an eye cleaner on your pup. You can help your Chow Chow keep his eyes clean by keeping him indoors or a safe distance away when you are mowing the lawn or working in the yard. You should also keep your Chow Chow away from you if you are dusting or vacuuming. Don’t let him hang his head out the car window as this could allow a number of objects to enter his eyes. For more tips, ask your veterinarian Colorado Springs, CO.
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If you suspect that your Chow Chow has scratched his eye or injured it in some way, please call your vet and request an immediate appointment. Eye scratches can be minor a minor injury; however, if not treated properly it can become a major illness. Signs of a possible scratch to the eye may involve your Chow Chow blinking excessively. His eyes may also become water or red and irritated. Check your dog’s eye for any signs of obvious debris such as dirt and specs of dust. Your vet may recommend that you flush your Chow Chow’s eye with water or cleaning solution to clear the eye. If this doesn’t work, your vet may resort to staining your pup’s eye to reveal any scratches or other irritations. Once the scratch has been identified treatment can be prescribed. Make sure you follow the treatment plans from your vet Colorado Springs, CO to ensure recovery of the eye.
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