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Your guinea pig is pretty sturdy but can be injured if handled roughly or he can even die if you drop him. Thus you need to learn to pick up your guinea pig properly. Get your piggy accustomed to you by talking or singing to home while sitting close to the cage. Drape your hand inside the cage for your piggy to explore. You can also gain his trust while hand feeding him. When you are ready to pick up your guinea pig, act quickly and efficiently. Place one hand under your pig’s chest just behind his front legs. Use the other hand to scoop up his rear end and keep him horizontal as you lift him. Pull your piggy close to your chest so he doesn’t wriggle free. Be prepared to lower him to the floor if you start to lose a grip on him. For more information, contact your Orangevale, CA veterinarian. Click here.

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Views: 379 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.03.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat has recently gained some weight, and she is no longer the fit feline you remember her to be. How can you help her get back to her usual, healthy self?

If your cat needs to lose some weight, it’s important to address the habits that caused her to gain the weight in the first place. Consider her dietary and exercise needs, and determine where there is room for improvement. She is overweight for a reason, and determining this is the key to rectifying the problem. Most pet owners find that fine tuning is necessary in both areas, and opt to find a healthy food for their pet they then offer in appropriate portions while also giving their pet some additional exercise through increased playtime. Treats should also be monitored, as they can impact your pet’s overall diet. For more information, please contact your local Cameron Park, CA vet clinic.

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Views: 416 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.03.2017 | Comments (0)

Your pet depends on you to not only care for her on your own, but also to know when it’s time to seek outside help, like that of her veterinarian. When should you give the vet a call?

Generally speaking, your pet’s vet is there to help you when you aren’t quite sure what to do, are uncomfortable performing the care task that she needs, or want someone professionally trained with animals like your own to evaluate her. This will include when she isn’t feeling well, if she gets hurt, and for preventative care. Well-visits should also be sought out, as her vet may take note of certain things that you may not have. Call your vet when any of these situations arise, in addition to any your vet recommends seeking help for. Your local Frisco, TX vet, ... Read more »

Views: 409 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.03.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat has spent a lot of time in your home, and you are very thankful for all the wonderful years you’ve spent together. She is now entering into her senior years, and you are looking forward to many more memories on the horizon.

To care for an older cat, you will need to make sure you are able to give her what she needs as her care requirements change. Your pet will likely have some alterations to her preferences as well, so do your best to keep her comfortable and happily engaged in the world around her. Consult her veterinarian to get some advice on what to keep an eye out for, and how to prevent age related issues from occurring. This preventative care could make a big difference in her quality of life. Make an appointment with your local Frisco, TX vet for additional guidance.

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Views: 430 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.03.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat has spent a lot of time in your home, and you are very thankful for all the wonderful years you’ve spent together. She is now entering into her senior years, and you are looking forward to many more memories on the horizon.

To care for an older cat, you will need to make sure you are able to give her what she needs as her care requirements change. Your pet will likely have some alterations to her preferences as well, so do your best to keep her comfortable and happily engaged in the world around her. Consult her veterinarian to get some advice on what to keep an eye out for, and how to prevent age related issues from occurring. This preventative care could make a big difference in her quality of life. Make an appointment with your local Frisco, TX vet for additional gui ... Read more »

Views: 422 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.03.2017 | Comments (0)