Main » 2017 » April » 18

You love your cat, and you want her to really enjoy her time with you. This means that you’ve taken a lot of time determining what you can do to help her enjoy herself, and you’ve chosen plenty of toys to reach this end. However, while some are sure favorites, others she barely glances at. Why is this?

Your pet has her own personality, just like you do. This means that there will be things directed toward cats that she has no interest in, and others that she is highly motivated to get up and play with. Take note of how your cat likes to play, and take the time to determine what types of toys would enhance this time. These will likely be items she will get some use out of. Your local Rochester, NY vet can help you care for your pet. Visit website http://rochesterc ... Read more »

Views: 408 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Your cat is a wonderful part of your life, and caring for her is something you do with a great amount of joy in your heart. However, there is a bit of a communication barrier between yourself and your little fur ball, and this can lead to a bit of difficulty when trying to figure out exactly what your pet needs from you.

To be there when your pet needs you, you will have to be vigilant. This means taking note of her regular behaviors, and being aware of when and how they change. This can tell you quite a bit about how she is feeling. The more time you spend with your pet, the better you will get to know her. This will allow you to promptly notice issues as they arise so you can address them appropriately. Your local Rochester, NY vet clinic can offer additional advice. Visit the ... Read more »

Views: 473 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Some dogs are afraid of thunderstorms. They start to display distinct behaviors—some may appear anxious, hyperactive, or reclusive during storms. Some look for places to hide in. Many will also whine, pace, or become clingy as the storm rages on. Some experience full-blown panic attacks and may become quite aggressive; there are also those that commit potty accidents. These signs have been known to be exhibited long before the storm arrives. If your pet is afraid of thunderstorms, it is a good idea to keep a close eye on your pet so you can help allay his fears. There are, however, pet owners who unintentionally reinforce their pet’s actions, thereby rewarding the behavior.

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Views: 389 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

If your cat’s nocturnal habits are keeping you up awake at night, try increasing his activities to drain excess energy so he will be tired enough and sleep through the night. Engage your pet in activities that involve running, chasing, and jumping. You can use fishing pole toys or a laser pointer.

In addition to increasing physical activity, here are more ways to prevent your kitty from disrupting your sleep:

Views: 484 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

While most pet dogs have to be given a bath to get rid of distinct dog odors, cats only need a thorough washing with cat shampoo and water if they encounter something smelly or unhealthy. There are also pet owners who give their cats a bath to lessen dander, which is a potential allergen trigger. This will be helpful especially when there is a hypersensitive person in the house.

There are other ways to keep your cat clean, although most of the task is being taken care of by the cat’s daily self-grooming. But if you have a long-haired cat or one that is suffering from bone and joint problems, your pet may need regular grooming help. ... Read more »

Views: 479 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Leash walks are exciting adventures for your puppy. You’ll often find yourself pulling your pet’s head away from something that he has been sniffing on the ground. There are so many things along the way that can pique his curiosity—candy wrappers, leaves, chewing gum, cigarette butts, etc.

Their sense of smell is already well-developed so your puppy can easily be drawn to strong-smelling items. Keep a close eye on your puppy so you can steer him away from objects on the ground. This will help prevent any unfortunate incidents. You can distract and divert your pup’s attention with a squeaky toy or treat. ... Read more »

Views: 431 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Your family feels that they are finally ready to call themselves cat owners, and you can’t wait to see this happen. However, you also know that there is a big difference between different cats, and this isn’t a decision to rush into. How can you find the best pet for your family?

Your new cat will need to fit into your family without turning it upside down. This means that you will first need to assess your current lifestyle before adding a new pet to it. Seek out a cat that will be happy with the amount of attention you can give him, and will thrive in your current living conditions. You should be able to happily care for your pet, and be able to do so with relative ease. For additional information, please contact your local Rochester, NY vet clinic.  You can also visit website, ... Read more »

Views: 412 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

People are easily attracted to long-haired cats with thick fluffy coats. But are you aware that these cats have complex grooming needs? If you are thinking of bringing home one, make sure that you have the time to commit to the task of keeping your pet’s coat clean and mat-free on a daily basis. These pets require extra grooming and combing because their hair coats are prone to tangling, matting, and formation of hairballs.

As days get warmer during spring and summer, long-haired cats shed off their thick winter coats. During this time, cat owners should be ready to deal with lots of hair being shed off, and cats needing extra and ... Read more »

Views: 433 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Rabbits have lightweight spines so they can squeeze into small spaces. Your pet rabbit’s back can be injured if you handle him roughly or drop him. Thus you need to learn to pick up your rabbit properly. Rabbits will kick and wriggle if they don’t want to be picked up so you need to help him get comfortable with you. Sit by his enclosure and talk or sing to him Drape your hand into the cage and pet him gently. Try hand feeding your rabbit. Act quickly and efficiently to pick up your rabbit. Place one hand under your rabbit’s chest behind his front legs. Use the other hand and your forearm to pick up the rear end and keep the back legs from kicking. Bring him close to your body so you don’t drop him. And be prepared to lower him to ... Read more »

Views: 454 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

Cats love to jump up on the kitchen counters to get food and to peruse her territory. This can be unsanitary when you are preparing food and just annoying. The first steps to keeping your cat off the kitchen counters are to clear your counters of food items and to never feed your cat when she it on the counter. Whenever your cat jumps up on the counter, remove her without a fuss. Be kind and never yell at or punish your cat while she is learning. Cover your counters with aluminum foil strips or double-sided tape when they are not in use. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet so they deter her from walking around up there. Provide your cat with an alternative perch such as a window ledge or shelf so she can observe the hubbub in your home. Contact your Green ... Read more »

Views: 443 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)

You need to keep your dog’s nails short so he can get a good grip on the ground with his paws. And long nails can catch and tear. This causes pain and could injure your dog’s foot. Start trimming your dog’s nails when he is young so it becomes routine. Handle your dog’s feet so he becomes accustomed to your touch. When you are ready to trim his nails, act quickly and efficiently. Grasp your dog’s paw and use a dog nail clipper to nip off a little at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the nerve and blood supply to the nail and can hurt and bleed if nicked. Continue trimming as long as your dog allows even if you can only trim one or two nails. Just stop and start again another time. Be patient and kind while trimmi ... Read more »

Views: 447 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 04.18.2017 | Comments (0)