Main » 2017 » April » 13 » Exercise Tips for the American Curl
8:08 AM
Exercise Tips for the American Curl

Is your American Curl overweight or are you afraid she may become overweight? If so, talk with your vet about exercises that you can do with your cat to help stimulate your cat’s mental and physical energy levels. One example of exercise is playing indoors or outdoors with a mouse toy. Cats are natural predators and love to hunt and pounce on prey. Buy one of those sticks that has a mouse dangling from it and move it back and forth in the air or on the floor to motivate your cat to move. This may keep your cat’s attention for about three to five minutes. Once she loses interest, give her a break and start back later or start another exercise. Some owners take their cats on walks outdoors on a leash. This may be something your cat enjoys too. For more suggestions, talk with your pet clinic Scottsdale, AZ.

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