Main » 2017 » April » 3 » When should you call the vet ?
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When should you call the vet ?

Your pet depends on you to not only care for her on your own, but also to know when it’s time to seek outside help, like that of her veterinarian. When should you give the vet a call?

Generally speaking, your pet’s vet is there to help you when you aren’t quite sure what to do, are uncomfortable performing the care task that she needs, or want someone professionally trained with animals like your own to evaluate her. This will include when she isn’t feeling well, if she gets hurt, and for preventative care. Well-visits should also be sought out, as her vet may take note of certain things that you may not have. Call your vet when any of these situations arise, in addition to any your vet recommends seeking help for. Your local Frisco, TX vet, Coit Hedgcoxe Animal Hospital can help you care for your pet.

Views: 409 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet Frisco TX | Rating: 5.0/1
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