Main » 2017 » April » 3 » Helping your cat lose weight
9:09 PM
Helping your cat lose weight

Your cat has recently gained some weight, and she is no longer the fit feline you remember her to be. How can you help her get back to her usual, healthy self?

If your cat needs to lose some weight, it’s important to address the habits that caused her to gain the weight in the first place. Consider her dietary and exercise needs, and determine where there is room for improvement. She is overweight for a reason, and determining this is the key to rectifying the problem. Most pet owners find that fine tuning is necessary in both areas, and opt to find a healthy food for their pet they then offer in appropriate portions while also giving their pet some additional exercise through increased playtime. Treats should also be monitored, as they can impact your pet’s overall diet. For more information, please contact your local Cameron Park, CA vet clinic.

Views: 426 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: Animal Hospital | Rating: 0.0/0
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