It’s a common occurrence for many types of cats, including the American Curl, to become constipated every now and again. If you notice that your American Curl is straining to poop or is leaving small, hard clumps of poop in her litter box then she may be constipated. The first thing you should do is call your vet and ask for advice or schedule an exam. It is normal for cats to have one bowel movement a day. If your cat doesn’t have a bowel movement over a day or two then you should call your vet. Signs of constipation in American Curls can include straining to poop, hard stools, mucous or blood covered stools, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, abdominal discomfort and even lack of self grooming. Causes may include a low fiber diet, dehydration, excessive grooming that causes hairballs, etc. Always call your vet Isle of Palms, SC if your American Curl is constipated.
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Did you know that the American Wirehair is referred to as the punk or rebel of the cat world? This comes from the feline’s unique wire like coat, which goes beyond the typical norm for feline coats. In fact, the wirehair’s coat is often described as coarse and is compared to a Brillo pad. The breed originated in 1966 when two domestic shorthair felines were bred on a farm in Upstate New York. The result was a littler of six kittens with five being shorthairs and one with a wiry coat. The American Wirehair soon evolved becoming one of America’s first naturally mutated breeds to be labeled a purebred by the Cat Fancier’s Association. Today, the wirehair is not only known for his peculiar coat, but he’s also known for his playful personality. In fact, your veterinarian Isle of Palms, SC can tell you the wirehair doesn’t mature until around three or four giving him an extended kitten life. See details
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Cats, like the Manx, are often associated with a variety of things that they don’t necessarily enjoy or things that aren’t very safe for cats to be playing with. One of those things is yarn. For instance, your Manx probably enjoys playing with balls of yarn and string because of the texture and movement of the material. However, many experts recommend that cat owners do not allow their cat to play with a ball of yarn especially if that cat is not supervised. Yarn can be dangerous for our Manx and other cat friends. If digested, the yarn can create a blockage in the cat’s throat or intestines. Your Manx can also get entangled in the yarn or string and accidentally strangle himself. If your cat swallows string or yarn call your veterinarian right away. For additional information talk with your veterinary clinic Mt. Pleasant, SC.
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Has your Orange Tabby cat been prescribed NSAIDs? Do you know what NSAIDs are? NSAIDs are an abbreviation for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. If your vet has prescribed NSAIDs for your cat, you should talk to him to find out what the reason for the prescription is and what the expected outcome should be for your cat. In many instances, vets prescribe these particular drugs for cats like the Orange Tabby in an effort to reduce swelling, stiffness, or joint pain often associated with arthritis or effects of recent surgery. There are several NSAIDs that are designed specifically for cats. Do not give your cat any type of anti-inflammatory people drug unless directed by your vet. It is important to monitor your Orange Tabby for possible side effects while she takes NSAIDs. If your cat exhibits behavior changes, changes in appetite, develops skin redness, or starts vomiting or has diarrhea call your vet Mt. Pleasant, SC. To learn more,
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There are plenty of felines that have canine characteristics especially when it comes to their personality. But the American Wirehair takes this to a new level with its physical canine characteristics. For example, the American Wirehair is all cat when it comes to his square jaw, round head, and perfectly proportioned body. But when it comes to his coat, this feline resembles more of a terrier canine than a feline. The American Wirehair’s coat has been described as coarse, spring like, bouncy, and even crimped. Even his whiskers are crimped in a similar wire like fashion. One expert likened the coat of a wirehair to a Brillo pad. This unique coat requires little care as it does not matt. In fact, a brushing or comb out every now and then is all that’s needed. The wirehair is most popular for showing and breeding. Contact your veterinarian Mt. Pleasant, SC to learn more.
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