Ear aches and infections are a common occurrence in most dog breeds including the Akita. If your dog is having trouble with his ears then he may start displaying symptoms such as excessive ear scratching, excessive rubbing of the ears, and excessive head shaking. Schedule a check-up with your vet if you notice any of these symptoms. Most ear infections come from bacteria or yeast in the ears. Akita puppies may have mites in their ears, which could responsible for the ear ache or infection. If your Akita is diagnosed with an ear ache or infection then your vet may suggest treatments that include ear drops or even washing your dog’s ear with a gentle cleanser. Please do not use a Q-tip or rubbing alcohol on your dog’s ears. Always follow instructions given by your vet. If you notice something amiss when cleaning or treating the ear, click here to consult your veterinary clinic Georgetown, IN right away.
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Yarn is often portrayed as a favorite toy of most felines including the Persian breed. However, cats that play with yarn should always be supervised. Never leave your Persian alone with a ball or spool of yarn. Contrary to popular belief, yarn is not one of the best toys for kittens or grown cats no matter what breed they are. Experts believe that yarn can actually be a dangerous item for cats to be around or to be playing with. For instance if yarn is digested, the yarn can create a blockage in your Persian cat’s throat or intestines. Your Persian could also get tangled up in the string and accidently strangle himself or even break or sprain a foot or his tail. If your Persian swallows yarn or gets caught up in the yarn give your pet clinic Georgetown IN a call. Even if your cat appears to be OK, your vet may want to check her out just in case.
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If you’ve owned Pygmy goats for some time now then you may know a few ways to help keep your Pygmy Goat warm during the colder months of fall and winter. If you’re not sure, just give your vet a call and ask about ways to keep your goat warm. For instance, if the temperatures are dropping but not enough to bring out the blankets then you may want to add extra straw or even alfalfa to your Pygmy Goat’s stall. Alfalfa especially creates extra warmth and heat. Some goat owners will give their Pygmy Goats an extra scoop of grain late at night. Grazing and eating helps keep Pygmy Goats warm as well. If your goat has a nice, thick winter coat then you probably don’t have to worry about him getting too cold. You can always ask your vet Myakka, FL for advice.
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