Did you know that large dog breeds like the Great Dane are prone to various health conditions that generally affect large dogs only? One such illness is Degenerative Myelopathy (DM). DM is an incurable disease of the nerves and spinal cord, which can cause loss of mobility and numbness or loss of feeling in the legs. It is often compared to ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease in humans. DM is considered to be a fatal, chronic, progressive, degenerative disease that leads to eventual paralysis. Signs or symptoms of the disease usually appear later in life in most dogs and affects the hind limbs causing a decrease in mobility. As it progresses, the dog will lose all feeling in his legs. There is no treatment for this disease. However, some owners have found various types of physical therapy to help prolong quality of life. Talk with your veterinarian Marietta, GA for more information.
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Did you know that sheep needs blankets? Depending on where you live, your Suffolk sheep may need a blanket to warm in the colder winter months. However, most sheep are often blanketed year round and it’s not necessarily to keep them warm. In fact, Suffolk sheep are often blanketed to keep their wool clean. In fact, many Suffolk sheep owners who show their sheep prefer to have a blanket or stable sheet for sheep on hand to cover their sheep and keep them clean during, before, and sometimes after a show. In the summer, most sheep owners will select a lightweight blanket to throw over their Suffolk sheep to keep them clean and cool. In the winter, a heavier blanket is used to give extra warmth as well as to keep the sheep clean. If you need to purchase a blanket for your sheep, give your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA a call for assistance.
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Do you own a pot-bellied pig? If you do and he lives in your house then you may be wandering what you can do to help bring his “piggy” smell down a notch. Keeping a pot-bellied pig as an indoor pet is quite common whether you live on a farm or in a suburban area. Contrary to popular belief, pigs are some of the cleanest animals around. However, their poop tends to carry a foul smell. One way to reduce the odor is to feed your pig papaya. Most pot-bellied pigs love this particular fruit. The seeds in the papaya are known to naturally de-worm pigs as well as decrease the “piggy” smell. One owner reported that she gives her pot-bellied pig, Mildred, a papaya one to two times a week. Since starting this routine, her pig’s poop no longer has a strong odor. Ask your vet Marietta, GA about giving your pig papaya. Click here to learn more.
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