Main » 2016 » April » 6 » Punks and Rebels: The American Wirehair
1:50 PM
Punks and Rebels: The American Wirehair

Did you know that the American Wirehair is referred to as the punk or rebel of the cat world? This comes from the feline’s unique wire like coat, which goes beyond the typical norm for feline coats. In fact, the wirehair’s coat is often described as coarse and is compared to a Brillo pad. The breed originated in 1966 when two domestic shorthair felines were bred on a farm in Upstate New York. The result was a littler of six kittens with five being shorthairs and one with a wiry coat. The American Wirehair soon evolved becoming one of America’s first naturally mutated breeds to be labeled a purebred by the Cat Fancier’s Association. Today, the wirehair is not only known for his peculiar coat, but he’s also known for his playful personality. In fact, your veterinarian Isle of Palms, SC  can tell you the wirehair doesn’t mature until around three or four giving him an extended kitten life. See details here.

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