Main » 2016 » April » 6 » A Feline with a Canine Coat
8:43 AM
A Feline with a Canine Coat

There are plenty of felines that have canine characteristics especially when it comes to their personality. But the American Wirehair takes this to a new level with its physical canine characteristics. For example, the American Wirehair is all cat when it comes to his square jaw, round head, and perfectly proportioned body. But when it comes to his coat, this feline resembles more of a terrier canine than a feline. The American Wirehair’s coat has been described as coarse, spring like, bouncy, and even crimped. Even his whiskers are crimped in a similar wire like fashion. One expert likened the coat of a wirehair to a Brillo pad. This unique coat requires little care as it does not matt. In fact, a brushing or comb out every now and then is all that’s needed. The wirehair is most popular for showing and breeding. Contact your veterinarian Mt. Pleasant, SC to learn more.

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