Everyone knows about the most basic dog tricks. You should teach your dog how to sit, come, and stay. Teaching him his name and how to go potty in the backyard are musts too, but did you know you can teach your dog tricks that will help you around the house?
If your dog knows how to fetch, you can change the command to have him fetch nearly anything in the house. One popular trick involves teaching your dog to retrieve his leash before you go on a walk. After some practice, your dog may bring you the leash whenever he wants to go for a walk!
Dogs can retrieve other items too. Some people teach their dog to bring them their shoes or socks. If you tie a rag on the handle of the refrigerator, your dog may even be able to bring you a snack!
Your veterinarian Mobile, AL can provide you with more tricks ideas.
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Most cats love using the litter box. However, if the box isn’t just right, he may choose to go potty elsewhere. Cats can also develop medical problems that interfere with their ability to use a litter box properly. If your cat has chosen a new potty spot, there are a few things you can do to stop him from going there again in the future.
The simplest way to keep your cat away from an area is to lay down a bit of tin foil. Cat’s don’t like the way it feels or sounds when they walk on it, so they’ll avoid the spot in the future.
If tin foil doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, lay down plastic carpet runners instead. Just lay them upside down so the pointy part points up.
For a permanent solution to the problem, schedule an appointment with your vet Mobile, AL.
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Some cats just love catnip! Not only can it make playtime more fun for your furry friend, it can also be extremely entertaining. Did you know that there are different types of catnip?
The most potent kind of catnip is fresh. This kind of catnip can be difficult to find, because just like any other leafy green, it doesn’t stay fresh for long. Instead of trying to find fresh catnip in your area, grow it at home. It can be grown outside or in a small pot indoors.
When you think of catnip, the dried catnip at the pet store is most likely to come to mind. You can purchase it dried in small baggies, but you can also purchase pressed catnip and catnip toys.
Organic catnip is also an option! To learn more about the different kinds of catnip, click here, or call your veterinarian Mobile, AL.
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If you think that clap of thunder is loud, just imagine how loud it is to your dog! Although it is completely normal for your dog to be fearful of loud noises, you can help him get over his fear.
It all starts with comforting him during the storm. By calmly sitting by his side and petting him during the storm, you’re showing him there’s nothing to be fearful of. You’re also replacing a negative fear emotion with a positive one.
Storms don’t come along all that often, so you may have to practice with loud noises. Start with quieter noises and gradually increase the volume. You can shut or slam doors, but you can also use a recording. Provide your pup with a treat and positive attention when he keeps his cool.
Your veterinary clinic West Mobile, AL can also help your dog conquer his fear. More details
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Many dog owners wonder whether over-the-counter human medications are safe for their dogs. Most human medications, even if given in the proper dose for your dog’s weight, are not safe for dogs. These medications account for a very high number of calls to the Pet Poison Control Hotline every year. Always speak to a vet before giving your pet any medications. Your vet may want to see your pet or authorize a prescription medication. A few human medications can be used but only with your vet’s recommendation. Dosages can vary widely between humans and animals. Antihistamines such as Benadryl may be authorized for allergic reactions or for bee stings. Antacids such as Pepcid can be used to ease an upset stomach. Human pain medications are especially dangerous to dogs and may cause renal failure or death. Again, always contact your pet clinic Coronado CA before giving your pet any medications.
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