Main » 2016 » January » 11 » The Right Place to Put Your Guinea Pig's Cage
8:37 AM
The Right Place to Put Your Guinea Pig's Cage

Chances are, you spent a lot of time choosing the right cage and getting everything set up inside just right for your guinea pig. Unfortunately, this is only half of the puzzle. The other half is finding the perfect place for your pet’s cage.

Hands-down, the most important thing to consider when it comes to cage placement is finding a place that is draft-free. Getting placed in a drafty area could result in an upper respiratory infection.

Avoid humid areas, like next to the bathroom or laundry room. Choose a room that has a relatively stable temperature and gets plenty of natural sunlight each day.

Make sure you place your piggy in an area where he can observe the comings and goings of your family, which means you need to get that cage up off the floor!

For more tips, click here, or call your veterinarian Easley, SC.

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