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Grooming your horse can be a great way to not only meet her care needs, but also bond with her in a meaningful manner. Just as your own body enjoys a nice massage every now and then, your horse enjoys being brushed down for the same reasons.


Horses also make an effort to groom and clean themselves, making your efforts much appreciated. Grooming should be done both before and after riding. Prior to riding, grooming acts as a way to ensure your horse’s comfort during the ride. Afterwards, it helps clean your horse and remove any debris picked up while on the out and about.


Grooming your horse daily also allows you to keep a close eye on her. This gives you the opportunity to pick up on any potential problems promptly and deal with them appropriately.


Your Canal Winchester vet clinic can offer advice on caring for your horse.


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Views: 493 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.19.2014 | Comments (0)

Every dog breed has its own characteristics that define it. While each individual dog will have its own unique traits, they are mostly consistent with their breed’s parameters.

Chihuahua’s are fiercely intelligent and will surprise their owners again and again. They are known for being both gentle and patient. Generally a family dog, Chihuahuas aren’t in need of much exercise and can be a great companion for people living in smaller spaces, like apartments. 

They are small in size, generally under six pounds. They tend to be a bit sensitive to cold, so Chihuahua owners should be aware of this and plan to either avoid or properly accommodate cooler temperatures. Grooming needs center on an occasional brushing and are relatively minimal. A Pickerington vet clinic can help you understand the difference between dog breeds. See& ... Read more »

Views: 468 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.19.2014 | Comments (0)

A conure’s needs must be met in his new home in order to live a happy and healthy life. He will need an appropriately sized cage placed against at least one wall. Accessories for the cage include perches, toys, food dishes, and a cage cover.


You will also need something to fill the bottom tray with for easy cleanup, like newspaper. Be sure you have plenty of food on hand prior to bringing him home. Take the time to secure an area of your home for your conure’s time spent outside his cage. Be sure to remove anything that may pose a threat to your new pet. Also, it is important to give your new pet some time to adjust to everything.


Let your conure have some space to take everything in so you aren’t bombarding him with new information throughout his homecoming.


Your Pickerington vet clinic can help you care for your new conure.

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Views: 658 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.19.2014 | Comments (0)

Do you know that cats have built-in GPS? A cat’s whiskers contain many nerves that are extremely sensitive, keeping the animal well-attuned to his surroundings. Whiskers can help a cat judge space and distance, and when evaluating his immediate environment. Blind cats also use their whiskers to help them navigate a room or a bigger area.

The follicle of each whisker has many nerve endings, each function to transmit impulses to the brain. The tip of each whisker also serves a sensory function; it can detect vibrations in the environment, while also helping a kitty get his bearings. Whiskers are also useful in determining if there are other animals or persons nearby.

Whiskers growing on the sides of your kitty’s nose have nerve ending that help cats figure out whether a space has enough room for him to pass through.

Keep your pet healt ... Read more »

Views: 567 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.19.2014 | Comments (0)