Main » 2014 » December » 19 » Bringing a conure home
8:57 AM
Bringing a conure home

A conure’s needs must be met in his new home in order to live a happy and healthy life. He will need an appropriately sized cage placed against at least one wall. Accessories for the cage include perches, toys, food dishes, and a cage cover.


You will also need something to fill the bottom tray with for easy cleanup, like newspaper. Be sure you have plenty of food on hand prior to bringing him home. Take the time to secure an area of your home for your conure’s time spent outside his cage. Be sure to remove anything that may pose a threat to your new pet. Also, it is important to give your new pet some time to adjust to everything.


Let your conure have some space to take everything in so you aren’t bombarding him with new information throughout his homecoming.


Your Pickerington vet clinic can help you care for your new conure.


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