Main » 2014 » December » 19 » Grooming your horse
1:48 PM
Grooming your horse

Grooming your horse can be a great way to not only meet her care needs, but also bond with her in a meaningful manner. Just as your own body enjoys a nice massage every now and then, your horse enjoys being brushed down for the same reasons.


Horses also make an effort to groom and clean themselves, making your efforts much appreciated. Grooming should be done both before and after riding. Prior to riding, grooming acts as a way to ensure your horse’s comfort during the ride. Afterwards, it helps clean your horse and remove any debris picked up while on the out and about.


Grooming your horse daily also allows you to keep a close eye on her. This gives you the opportunity to pick up on any potential problems promptly and deal with them appropriately.


Your Canal Winchester vet clinic can offer advice on caring for your horse.


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