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Cats depend, for a large part, on their sense of smell to deal with every detail of their everyday life—to communicate, for identification, to determine sexual status, and to establish and identify territory.


Compared to people with an average of 5-20 million scent cells lining their nose, cats have about 67 million. Cats also possess scent glands in the pads of their feet and in between their toes.


Scratching an object creates visible marks and leave behind the cat’s scent. A cat will scratch on a specific object in the presence of another cat to let the other cat know that he owns the object.


Cats which have been declawed also go through the motions of scratching. Prime targets of scratching include posts or walls near doorways, near the litter box, sleeping areas, etc.


Bringing your pet cat to a Neptune Beach vet regularly is an important responsibility of a pet owner. There&rs ... Read more »

Views: 495 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.08.2014 | Comments (0)

Some canines have a much longer lifespan and age more slowly compared to other dogs. Here are key factors which have been identified to significantly influence a dog’s lifespan.


Small dogs generally live longer than large dogs. Their lifespan is 1.5 times that of a large dog, on average.


A dog’s breed is a significant indicator of its life expectancy. Small breeds of dogs generally live longer than large breeds.


On average female dogs have a longer lifespan than males, about 1-2 years longer depending on the dog’s breed.


Neutered dogs generally live longer than those that are intact. This may be attributed to a reduced risk of hormone-related cancer, especially involving the sex organs. Data shows that the earlier neutering is undertaken, the lower the risk of these types of cancers.

Living c ... Read more »

Views: 465 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.08.2014 | Comments (0)

Cats are born predators and expert hunters. Even with domestication, cats still find thrill when going after and capturing anything from a mouse or other prey, a feather on the end of a string, or a moth at the window. Whatever they capture are then presented to their owners with pride.


There are cat owners who wake up and find dozens of “prizes” scattered all over their bed, including paper balls and toy mice. Some cats even leave presents in their owner’s shoes.


Your cat’s hunting forays may result in prey lined up on the back porch as a present for you. A cat that is allowed to roam outdoors may bring what he has caught inside the house. Even when your kitty is well-fed, he will always heed the call of the wild, going hunting in an effort to feed his age-old instinct. 


Ask your Jacksonville veterinarian for your pet’s deworming schedule and booster shots to help protect your ki ... Read more »

Views: 503 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.08.2014 | Comments (0)

When welcoming a new pet into your home, it is essential that you have the proper supplies to care for your new addition. When bringing home a new bird, one of the most important items you will need is a cage to keep him in. Look at the different sizes first. Be sure that your bird will have enough room to move about comfortably, and take part in innate activities, like climbing and playing. Take into account the space needed for food and water containers as well as perches and toys. Next, be sure to pick a cage that your bird won’t be able to escape from. There are many different safety features available, so choose the one that fits your individual bird best. The cage should also be simple for you to clean and upkeep. Your local Houston vet clinic can provide you with any additional information you may need.


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Views: 534 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 12.08.2014 | Comments (0)