The answer is that most cat owners opt out of fixing their cats is cost…some people just think the headaches of their cat repeatedly going into heat and possibly getting pregnant is more doable than a one-time payment to eliminate those headaches.
So, what is YOUR reasoning for not having your cat spayed or neutered?
Are you enjoying listening to your cat bay at other cats for hours on end, for days on end? Do you overlook your cat getting pregnant repeatedly or revel in the stench of your male cat spraying all over your home? Or are you the type of cat owner that thinks the solution is just to let your cat outside to become an outside stray cat, as a means of solving this problem?
Whatever your reason is, it is the IRRESPONSIBLE one and you are adding to other people’s problems if you have chosen the option that allows your cat to be a stray. Find out more at this website of the vet Woodland Hills.
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