Main » 2014 » November » 05

The number one most dreaded things that most dogs have in common is, those blasted parasites.

It is almost inevitable, at some point in your dog’s life, it will come into contact with a parasite that will take up roost on your dog and reproduce enough to cause an infestation.

It is not that your house is not clean and it is not that you live in a parasite infested town, parasites are everywhere and anywhere, and every environment is predominantly polluted with them.

Bathing your dog does not prevent parasites and neither does treatments for fleas, because of the vast amount of different types of parasites, there is not just one single product that can ward them all off.

Proper eye maintenance of your dog should be a weekly duty with you, check your dog over while brushing it, to check its fur and skin for any indications of parasites, parasite droppings or their eggs. Read more about this via this web ... Read more »

Views: 424 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.05.2014 | Comments (0)

Your dog eats grass for a few different reasons and most of the time, the results are the same, and it vomits the grass up.

The situations that arise to cause your dog to eat grass is, either to dispose of a fur ball, to induce itself to vomit because it does not feel well or, to get some extra fiber in its diet (yes, your dog can sense when it does not have enough fiber and it is having issues with its release of stool).

At times when your dog does not feel like a hundred percent, it will assume that vomiting will make it feel better, so it eats some grass to see if that will do the trick.

You should take note of your dog’s reasoning for eating grass, especially if it does it more than twice, that means it is a problem that may need your vets care. Head on over to this website of the vet Henry County to discover more about your dog.

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Views: 459 | Added by: Jessicap | Date: 11.05.2014 | Comments (0)