Main » 2017 » May » 7 » Your Cat's Whiskers
6:45 AM
Your Cat's Whiskers

Your cat’s whiskers are thick, specialized hairs that are connected to sensitive nerves. These whiskers give your cat a greater ability to navigate through her world. Your cat’s whiskers grow to roughly the width of her body. Thus your cat can tell whether she can fit through small spaces. If your cat’s head and whiskers fit through the space, the rest of her body will fit too. The whiskers help your cat judge distance and height so she can gracefully jump from place to place without falling. Your cat uses her whiskers to pick up vibrations to determine the location of prey such a mice or even your foot in the dark. Never cut your cat’s whiskers since this will cause confusion and disorientation. Old whiskers will fall out to be replaced by new ones without your intervention. Ask your vet Cy-Fair to learn more.

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