Main » 2016 » January » 20 » What Do You Do If Your Dog Gets Tired on His Walk?
7:38 AM
What Do You Do If Your Dog Gets Tired on His Walk?

No matter what kind of breed you have, you definitely need to take your dog out for regular walks. If it’s been awhile, you may notice that your dog gets tired fairly quickly. What do you do if your dog gets tired in the middle of his walk anyway?

It’s important to rest if your dog makes it clear that he’s tired. Find a shady spot under a tree or see if you can walk the distance to sit on a bench. If you’ve brought along some water, let your dog drink some.

After a 10 or 15 minute break, see if your dog is ready to start walking again. If he still seems a bit tired, slow down and walk at his pace. It may take you longer to get home, but it’ll make the rest of the walk more enjoyable for your furry friend.

For more tips, call your veterinary clinic North Phoenix, AZ.

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