Main » 2017 » May » 20 » Showing Your Southern African Hedgehog
6:30 AM
Showing Your Southern African Hedgehog

Do you own an Southern African hedgehog or any other breed of hedgehog then you may be aware that many owners showing their hedgehogs in shows sanctioned by the International Hedgehog Association (IHA)? Your vet may even know of a few hedgehog owners that enjoy participating in IHA shows. If you’re interested in showing your Southern African hedgehog, check with other hedgehog owners or contact your local IHA chapter to find out about upcoming shows and competitions. Always make sure the show is IHA sanctioned to ensure you will be judged by licensed officials and your scores will go towards yearend awards. Your first task will be to complete the entry form for the show. If possible complete the form ahead of time in order to cut down costs. You may be able to enter the day of the show, but prices could increase. Complete the form as best as possible or ask your vet Thorold, ON for help.

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