Main » 2016 » January » 23 » Should Himalayan Rabbits Live Outdoors?
4:26 AM
Should Himalayan Rabbits Live Outdoors?

If you’re looking to adopt a Himalayan rabbit you should talk with your local vet first. Your veterinary staff may be able to give you a quick rundown of what is involved in caring for a Himalayan rabbit. They may also be able to recommend a pet store or person from which you can purchase or adopt your rabbit. Once you have a Himalayan rabbit, you will need to know how and where to house him. Some people believe rabbits are just fine living outdoors; however, this is not typical. Although making your rabbit’s home outside may sound like a good idea, studies show that rabbits living outside are for more neglected or even forgotten then those living indoors. Rabbits that live outdoors do not get to interact with people as much either. The loneliness could cause aggressive or depressive behaviors in your rabbit as well. Talk to your vet Flint, MI for more information.

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