Main » 2016 » January » 9 » Painted Turtles
4:03 AM
Painted Turtles

Looking for a pet turtle? Have you thought about the Painted Turtle? This particular turtle is one of the most popular and populous turtles in the North American regions. He prefers slow-moving fresh water. He can be found from southern Canada to Louisiana and even into parts of northern Mexico. The painted turtle can also be found inland in areas stretching across the U.S. from the Pacific to the Atlantic. He is part of the pond turtle family and is the state symbol for Colorado, Michigan and Illinois. With such a popular turtle, you should have little trouble in locating the perfect one for your home. This turtle requires a habitat that features mostly water with a basking area where he can sun in at least 10 to 12 hours of full light. Talk to your vet Richboro, PA for more details.

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