Main » 2017 » May » 15 » Making Life Easier For Your Blind Dog
7:24 PM
Making Life Easier For Your Blind Dog

With your help and vigilance, your blind dog can still enjoy life to the fullest. Here are important ways to make life safer and more comfortable for your canine buddy.

  • Avoid major changes. As much as possible, don’t rearrange things. Furniture and other fixtures should be kept as is. A familiar environment can help blind dogs keep their sense of security and comfort.
  • As their sense of vision continues to decline, a dog’s sense of smell kicks into high gear as the dog becomes much more reliant on his olfactory sense to maneuver around. Your dog will associate distinct scents with persons, things, and even rooms in your home. Avoid using air fresheners or strong-smelling housecleaners for this can confuse your dog’s orientation.
  • Teach your dog to heed verbal commands because a blind or partially sighted dog won’t be able to see hand signals or facial expressions.
  • When approaching your dog, make sure to make audible sounds so he won’t be frightened. Stomp your feet or talk in a low voice as you enter the room and approach your dog so he will hear you coming.

Your Pickerington, OH veterinarian can also offer valuable tips on how to make your blind pet’s life easier and more comfortable.

Views: 417 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: dog care | Rating: 0.0/0
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