Main » 2016 » January » 18 » Is your dog digging in your yard?
1:39 PM
Is your dog digging in your yard?

Your dog likes to dig in your backyard, but you don’t really understand the behavior. Why does he do this?

Your dog is an animal that is very curious about his surroundings, and digging offers him an outlet to explore things a bit further. This is because it offers him the opportunity to check out what’s underneath the grass he stands on. He may be looking for a spot to hide a favorite item, or he may be trying to see where an animal he was watching went to, but either way he is curious about what’s just below the surface. This offers him a fun activity that will also help him burn off some energy. There is also a chance that he is attempting to produce a den like his ancestors used to remain safe from the elements. For more information, please contact your local South Miami, FL vet.

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