Main » 2016 » January » 13 » How Rats Get Respiratory Infections
11:11 AM
How Rats Get Respiratory Infections

Respiratory infections are one of the most common ailments that rats suffer from. The first step to treating or preventing this illness is understanding how rats get it in the first place.

If your rat has had exposure to other rats, he may have caught the illness from one of them. Excess bacteria is produced with a respiratory infection that can easily become airborne and affect other animals in the area.

Your rat’s respiratory infection could be your fault. If you don’t use the right bedding, it can aggravate his nasal passages, causing a respiratory infection. Look for a nearly dust-free bedding to make sure this isn’t the case.

Some rats can even develop an illness due to stress. For help treating your rat’s respiratory infection, read more, or schedule an appointment with your vet Terre Haute, IN.

Views: 544 | Added by: Jessicap | Tags: vet Terre Haute IN | Rating: 5.0/1
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