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1:47 PM
How long do Painted Turtles Live?

Did you know that the Painted Turtle is a popular pet turtle in North America? This particular fresh water turtle can be found throughout the North American region including as far north as southern Canada and as far south as northern Mexico. The Painted Turtle can also be found in various fresh water ponds, lakes, creeks, marshes, etc. in the inland U.S. states as stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The Painted Turtle generally lives in captivity for around 25 years. If you’re looking to adopt a Painted Turtle, make sure you’re ready for a long-term commitment. Painted Turtles in the wild; however, can live as long as 40 years. In order to provide the turtle a prosperous long life, he will need a warm habitat with water and dry land for sunbathing. He will also need 10 to 12 hours of full light each day. Your veterinary clinic Bucks County, PA can tell you more.

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