Main » 2016 » January » 13 » Different Cat Eye Colors
6:55 AM
Different Cat Eye Colors

Just like humans, cats can have many different colored eyes. Here are a few colors that you might see.

The most common color is a greenish-yellow, but there are many hues in this spectrum. Some cat’s eyes are more green, and some more yellow. Some are even orange!

Blue is fairly common, depending on the breed you choose. The hue can vary here too, from a very light blue to a very deep, dark blue.

The color of your cat’s eyes are determined by the number of pigment-producing cells. With a lot of these cells, a cat’s eyes will be yellow or orange. With only a few, the eyes will end up green or blue. In some cases, albinism reflects almost no blue light, making the eyes appear pink.

Some cats can even have two different colored eyes! To learn more, call your vet Hoschton, GA.

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