Main » 2017 » May » 4 » Diagnosing Gingivitis in Abyssinian Cats
2:17 AM
Diagnosing Gingivitis in Abyssinian Cats

If your Abyssinian cat is having trouble chewing, has bad breath, or is having trouble eating then she may have some sort of gum disease happening in her mouth. Call your vet to schedule a check-up. Gingivitis usually involves inflammation, redness and swelling of the gums due to the build-up of plaque, which is food or other debris. Only your vet can tell you if your Abyssinian cat has gingivitis. He will need to perform a physical exam on your cat and will most likely ask you for a detailed history of your Abyssinian cat’s overall health. Be prepared to describe any symptoms your Abyssinian may be experiencing. Symptoms may include bad breath, trouble chewing, etc. Also let your vet know what type of food your cat is currently eating as this could be contributing to food and plaque build-up. For additional information, give your veterinary clinic Crown Point, IN a call. Click this website to know more.

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